The Hands of Christ
The Hands of Christ
Our Hands at Work in Honduras
The Hands of Christ has completed 8 ½ years of work in Honduras seeing 10,000 patients a year. Hundreds have come to know the Lord as their personal Savior through this work. God is gracious in allowing us to proclaim His good news to those who are lost. We are diligent in our work and our desire to serve Jesus Christ is what drives us.
– Ana and John
Latest Newsletters
May 2020 Newsletter
3 Trials & 1 True God COVID—DROUGHT — FIRES — TRUST Honduras is entering the 7th week mandatory stay at home orders. So much goes through your mind when facing something like this. Will I have enough food, will we catch COVID-19 (NO), what happens we have no cash....
April 2020 Newsletter
From our Happy New Year letter in late January until now, who would have ever thought that most of the world would be in seclusion in their own homes. Dr. Ana and John and the people of Honduras are in lock down mode and only allowed to leave their homes on certain...
March 2020 Newsletter
Friends, as most are under quarantine guidelines in America due to COVID-19, We, along with all the people of Honduras are truly house bound 7 days a week 24 hours a day. We were allowed Wednesday to leave our home to go to the grocery store and return home. We were...