Honduran Facts

Learn more about conditions in Honduras.

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The current economical condition of Honduras is at a critical stage. The high cost of food is contributing to famine among the poor of this wonderful country. With no extra resources to depend on, the economically disadvantaged live day to day without government assistance and just enough money from their jobs to barely survive.

Conditions in Honduras

Many cannot afford the basics of beans, rice or eggs that they need to survive. According to published reports, many survive only on tortillas and salt. Many find themselves working very physically demanding jobs without the energy and stamina necessary to do it well. While we here in America are seeing a very slow economy and are lamenting the recession and its affects, consider Honduras’ state of the economy being several times worse on a day to day basis. In the past the government was able to subsidize the cost of gas, electricity and other necessary commodities of life, but that is no longer the case.

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Honduran Facts

Honduras Population: 7,792,854
Area: 112,090 sq km — 43,278 sq. miles
Persons per square mile: 180
Infant Mortality: total: 24.03 deaths/1,000 live births
Life Expectancy: 69.4 years
Diseases: bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever dengue fever and malaria
Unemployment Rate: 35% (2008 est.)
note: high level of underemployment with up to a third of the labor force seeking more work.
Minimum Wage: $236 per month (4500-5000 lempira per month)
Population below poverty line: 50.7% (2004)