Hello from Honduras,

We just had a great medical brigade! Both Ana and the pastor prayed with more than 60% of the people. It was great. There was physical and spiritual healing. 11 people came to know Jesus as their personal Savior. Enjoy the pictures below and consider praying for the work being done by The Hands of Christ here in Honduras. We need your prayers! Pray for our safety, that we have the necessary supplies and medicine to work with, and ask God how you can participate. Become a part of our team. To make a donation: The Hands of Christ – P.O. Box 1252 – Franklin, Tennessee 37065. We thanks you for your prayers and donations. May God richly bless each of you as you go about His work.

In Christ Service

John and Ana Lamon

Ana is explaining how to receive God’s grace and salvation into your life

Dr. Ana says do as I do; open wide!

Dr. Ana praying with a patient

Dr. Ana praying with a patient

Pastor praying with a patient

Dr. Ana is checking the heartbeat of the unborn child

This wonderful lady always helps me count pills when we do medical brigades at her church.